Exhibit Food is an abstract interpretation of food access in Roanoke City, synthesizing information from research conducted several years ago. Areas in red indicate food access as over one mile away from residences, where areas in green have access to food within one mile. The data does not reveal what the quality of food is for these areas.
How far away is the closest access to food from your house? Is it within a mile? What food is offered at your nearest store? Do you have access to fresh food, or is the access primarily packaged food? Now, think about your favorite place to shop for food. What items are carried there? Do you have access to healthy, organic, and/or local produce? How far do/would you have to travel to access healthier options? Are there barriers to obtaining, cooking, and eating healthy food? Express your feelings/response in your art medium of choice and feel free to share with us. Responses may resonate with local government to create equitable access to healthy, local foods.
I had a difficult time finding more up-to-date thorough research about food access in Roanoke, but found this extensively-researched and thorough report from 2015 that I used to create Exhibit: food. Review the report here. If you find other resources, please email me, as I would love to see more data and recent research on this topic.